Carnival of Shadows

Welcome to the Carnival of Shadows, a point-and-click adventure game (with optional WASD controls) where dark secrets and eerie mysteries await at every corner. Created for the MAGS June 2024 Adventure Game Jam, this short but *sweet* game will keep you on the edge of your seat! (Unless you just scoot over of course).

Story Overview

A group of four unlikely companions arrives at an abandoned amusement park, drawn by the promise of a unique experience. They quickly discover that the park is haunted by the restless spirits of those who perished in a tragic accident. To escape, they must solve puzzles, confront supernatural threats, and uncover the park's dark history.

Meet the Characters

  • Maria the Adventurer: Brave and curious, Maria is always eager to explore and uncover hidden secrets. Her resourcefulness and natural leadership make her a vital part of the team.
  • Tim the Skeptic: Shrewd and analytical, Tim doesn't believe in ghosts and prefers logical explanations. His skepticism often clashes with the others' beliefs, but his keen eye for detail is invaluable.
  • Jake the Athlete: Strong and energetic, Jake is always ready for physical challenges. His impatience can be a hindrance, but his strength and enthusiasm help the team overcome obstacles.
  • Luna the Mystic: Strong and ethereal, Luna has a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Her intuition and compassion guide the group through the park's supernatural dangers.

How to Play

Navigate through the park by clicking on various objects and locations. Interact with items and characters to gather clues and solve puzzles. Pay close attention to the environment and dialogue, as they provide vital hints for your quest.


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nice retro